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Legacy of the Bees

When a door closes, look at the flowers.

By October 10, 2024No Comments1 min read

Sometimes passions are born while exploring a topic we were just slightly curious about, and when we realize it, we learn how much joy and happiness it brings us!

Early in January 2024 tech layoffs affected a huge amount of people, I was one of them, despite the unexpected and, to be honest, quite shocking news after so many years, my subconscious had a plan! My brain just walked into nature and inspiration came to me! I have been working for over 14 years with the same company and always on shifts. Working on shifts has its advantages, but when one wants to learn new things, and do workshops…
Well, you can take for granted that Saturdays and Sundays would be two of the preferred days for the workshop, while still unable to really process this news, my first thought was: “I can finally do the beekeeping course I always wanted! It was always on weekends!!!”
I turned my head once again to nature, and the flowers, and to owning so many “pets” all at once!!!

It is exactly like this that my adventure started. I browsed maaaany web pages and finally decided to sign up to an online course.

Since that day, I have been studying, thinking, and planning, for “the possibility” of one day owning my own beehive!

I can’t wait to share more!


- C